Symptoms of Hypoglycemia- medicalloe

Hypoglycemia: symptoms

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar level is one of the commonly found condition in people with diabetes. hypoglycemia can be defined as blood sugar level below 70mg/dl. it can occur in any person with diabetes, who is on insulin or blood sugar lowering medications. let’s look at some common causes of hypoglycemia.
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia- medicalloe

excess insulin dose or medication is one of the most common causes for hypoglycemia. not eating enough or not eating at proper time, skipping or delaying meals, not eating enough after consuming alcohol and some other reasons. unplanned or excessive exercise may also lead

to hypoglycemia. now what are the symptoms of hypoglycemia? according to the type of hypoglycemia, the symptoms can change. mild hypoglycemia gives symptoms like headache, shaking, pounding heartbeats, sweating, tiredness, dizziness, blurred vision, drowsiness or tingling sensation around

 mouth or lips. mild hypoglycemia can be managed easily. moderate hypoglycemia gives symptoms like personality change, irritability, confusion, poor coordination, difficulty in concentrating, slurred speech. this type of hypoglycemia can be managed, but it requires immediate attention. the third type. severe hypoglycemia leads to coma or seizures.

severe hypoglycemia requires emergency treatment. the patient needs to be hospitalized for the management of severe hypoglycemia. now how to detect hypoglycemia? that is very simple. based on symptoms and by checking your blood sugar level, immediately after the symptoms will give you an idea whether you are suffering from hypoglycemia. the other indication of hypoglycemia is when blood sugar is increased,

 the symptoms disappear. how to treat hypoglycemia? remember early recognition and appropriate treatment is the key to manage and treat hypoglycemia. the rule of fifteen is a very helpful way to remember the treatment. rule of fifteen says, we have to eat 15 gms of fast acting carbohydrates after the episode of hypoglycemia. 15 gms of carbohydrates may

 include, 15gms of glucose powder or powdered sugar. one tablespoon of honey or jam. half a glass of fruit juice or soft drink. you can have one of the above options immediately after the episode of hypoglycemia. then we have to wait for fifteen minutes and recheck your blood sugar level. if the blood sugar level is above 70, you are supposed to

have a light snack to prevent further episodes of hypoglycemia. if blood sugar level is below 70, then you have to repeat 15gms of carbs and wait for another fifteen minutes. you have to recheck your blood sugar to ensure whether you’re blood sugar level is above 70. the treatment of hypoglycemia should always be followed by some investigation.

as to why hypoglycemia occurred and what could be done to prevent its further occurrence. thank you
