Lewy body dementia symptoms- medicalloe

Lewy body dementia: symptoms

Lewy body dementia is also a special type of dementia. In this case patients lose their memory and have difficulty learning new information Lewy bodies refers to protein deposits found inside neurons and they're named after friedrich louie the neurologist
Lewy body dementia symptoms- medicalloe

who discovered them Lewy body dementia is a neurodegenerative disease meaning that it worsens over time and it's the disease that afflicted comedian and actor Robin Williams the brain is made up of billions of neurons that communicate
with each other by releasing neurotransmitters most neurons in the cerebral cortex are called cholinergic neurons because they produce acetylcholine in contrast neurons in a section of the midbrain called the substantia nigra are in charge of initiating movement and other motor functions these neurons are called dopaminergic because they produce dopamine the underlying cause of Lewy body dementia isn't well understood normally neurons contain a protein called alpha synuclein
 and in Lewy body dementia this protein gets Mis folded within the neurons the misfolded alpha synuclein aggregates to form Lewy bodies that deposit inside neurons particularly in the cortex in the substantia nigra under a microscope Lewy bodies look like dark eosinophils inclusions inside the affected neurons as the disease progresses more and more neurons accumulate Lewy bodies and die the significance of Lewy bodies however is unknown but they're seen in other diseases like Parkinson's disease and multiple system atrophy in Lewy body dementia the
 early symptoms are typically cognitive ones like difficulty focusing poor memory visual hallucinations disorganized speech and depression similar to Alzheimer's disease later symptoms are typically motor once like resting tremors stiff and slow movements and reduced facial expressions similar to Parkinson's disease but usually these motor symptoms are a bit milder than what's seen in Parkinson's disease finally some people have sleep disorders like sleepwalking or talking a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia is based on the pattern of symptoms
but can only be confirmed with a brain autopsy that shows Lewy bodies and neurons treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms motor symptoms respond to drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease like levodopa a dopamine analog while cognitive symptoms may improve with drugs for Alzheimer's disease like de nepo Zil which increases cetyl choline availability all right as a quick recap Lewy body dementia is a neurodegenerative disease caused by aggregation of the Mis folded protein alpha-synuclein inside of neurons in the brain cortex in substantia nigra this leads to the early cognitive symptoms like in Alzheimer's disease and late motor symptoms
like in Parkinson's disease hi Evan here you might recognize me from being the voice you just listened to for three minutes nice to put a face to it yeah anyway I hope you enjoyed the video and if you want to tell us about it or how it relates to you or just tell us about osmosis or how your day is going feel free to leave a comment and if you really like the article and you want to see more like it you.
