Febrile Seizure symptoms- medicalloe

Febrile Seizure: symptoms

 Surya's could have multifactorial etiology febrile seizure is the one which is the most common list type of seizure which a child can have febrile seizure is a seizure which occurs during or after the fever so journey a child will have upper respiratory tract
Febrile Seizure symptoms- medicalloe

infection that is URI or some diarrhea or some cause to cause fever and followed to that fever a child could have a seizure and when you have this phenomena this is called as febrile seizure so a seizure could be a
form of just up rolling of I would a child could just up roll the eyeball and could just increase the tone of the body and you it can last just for a few seconds to few minutes and this is how you define a seizure and if associated with a fever this is what you got as a febrile station it generally it occurs between the age group from six months to five years of age to label it that is exclusively a febrile seizure you should have fever association that have already told you
second thing is that the seizure should not last more than 15 minutes if the seizure is lasting more than that then you have to think something else and that has to be discussed with your pediatrician or your doctor the third thing is that the seizure should never be focused that means it should not be on one side only then that is not a typical febrile seizure that is also something which has to be necessarily and immediately discussed with your pediatrician if it is a typical febrile seizure you don't require a imaging like an MRI brain or an EEG that means
electro and get flow graph to define it other typical febrile seizure you have to just find out what is the cause of the fever which has precipitated this seizure and treat that cause it could be just a simple viral infection it could be just a simple urine infection or it could be a infection to the brain for that you're you have to consult and go to a doctor and then he will define out whether he requires just simple test or no test or maybe a lumbar puncture to define whether
this is not a infection to the brain if you have been diagnosed and confirmed by your doctor that this is a case of simple febrile seizure so the main motive is bring down of bring down the fever also you have to make sure that you have not over clothed the child because that increases the temperature and precipitate and could precipitate a seizure also you have to keep the fan rolling are or create an ambient temperature so that it's not too hot for a child third is you can wipe up whole of the body with just plain water and so that brings down the
temperature and helps the child the other thing is that there is one drug which you call as a antiepileptic drug which you can use for two to three days during the time when their child has its first seizure that helps and to bring down the frequency for the further seizures during the febrile episode but that mind it that has to be only given in consultation with your pediatric neurologist febrile seizures are the most benign three seizures journey they don't react are
after child crosses five years of age because the phenomena is once the brain matures the fever won't affect the brain and so the seizure won't come in but in few cases like two to three percent of the cases they can reoccur and also these febrile seizures can be later associated in life with epilepsy epilepsy is like recurrent seizures but the number is like two to five percent of the cases journey ninety five percent of the cases febrile seizures end up by the age you reach five to six years and then they stop.
