Alzheimer’s disease symptoms- medicalloe

Alzheimer’s disease: symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease is very difficult to diagnose particularly in the early stages and this has actually been one of the problems and why people present at the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s 
Alzheimer’s disease symptoms- medicalloe

and often by that time developed dementia. In the very early phases, it is usually memory but it’s particularly short term memory that tends to be affected.
One of the things that is quite characteristic is people being unable to remember something even when given a cue so you may forget what you did yesterday and even when someone reminds you, you can’t remember that. It’s not just memory, it’s planning ability, it’s calculation ability, it’s all sorts of executive functions that we think about as our thinking ability.
 It’s very important to distinguish the difference between having true difficulty remembering and recalling something as opposed to just not concentrating or maybe being a little bit anxious and it’s because these symptoms are so non-specific, that it is very important to have tests which will provide objective evidence of whether or not somebody actually has the symptoms and this involves measuring biomarkers, specific scans, and things which as I just explained, are actually all tested for in the screening process when somebody enters the a clinical trial.
