Symptoms of high blood cholesterol- medicalloe

High blood cholesterol : symptoms

ten symptoms of high cholesterol that you shouldn't ignore cholesterol is a lipid that is present in all cells of the body while many people only know it's harmful effects in reality it's essential for the optimal functioning of the body cholesterol is required for the production of bile which is responsible for digesting fat in addition it's also involved in the production of some hormones and helpful for your
Symptoms of high blood cholesterol- medicalloe

cardiovascular health the problem is that although many organs need it too much cholesterol causes irreparable damage because of this it's very important to identify any signs that could help detect any problems early on check them out one swelling and numbness of limbs swelling and feeling of numbness in the limbs are one of the initial symptoms of high cholesterol this reaction happens because the accumulated lipids prevent good circulation they do this by reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the

muscles to bad breath bad breath also known as halitosis is a very common sign in people who have high cholesterol problems since this substance is secreted by the liver too much cholesterol creates serious difficulties with digestion this results in dryness and unpleasant odors in the mouth three bloating and indigestion in addition uncontrolled levels of bad cholesterol LDL tend to be a strong trigger for continuous episodes of indigestion and bloating excess lipids in the blood and liver affect metabolism and prevent good digestion especially when eating foods which are high in fat for dizziness and headaches as cholesterol builds up in the arteries circulation gets worse and cellular oxygenation is disrupted this causes dizziness the loss of balance and strong headaches five eyesight problems excess cholesterol leads to the development of eyesight problems if not addressed early they can cause

irreversible damage it's common for patients to display bulging yellow eyes irritation and blurred vision 6 constipation in addition the build-up of lipids in the arteries also affects digestion therefore bowel motility decreases and episodes of constipation occur this can be due to multiple factors but one of them may be uncontrolled cholesterol 7 chest pains chest pain is a symptom that's very easy to spot plus it's almost always a reason for immediate medical consultation although there are many diseases associated with chest pains the majority of cases are related to high cholesterol the buildup of fat in the arteries restricts blood flow and therefore can cause hypertension 8 chronic fatigue and weakness the feeling of weakness fatigue and the desire to sleep at unusual hours are usually caused by poor nutrition

excess physical activity or an illness however what few people know is that it can also be a strong sign of high cholesterol given that this substance is involved in circulation and cellular oxygenation mental and physical problems are not uncommon 9 skin conditions in addition hives and other skin because beating olestra levels these conditions manifest themselves with red spots inflammation and an uncomfortable itching sensation that tends to be difficult to control 10 food allergies finally people who have new food allergies may have high cholesterol

although these conditions can be caused by many factors the excessive accumulation of fat in the arteries and liver can be responsible for some the most common usually show up after eating meats or fatty foods .
