Symptoms of hyperglycemia- medicalloe

Hyperglycemia: symptoms

 Today I am discussing about early signs and symptoms of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia knowing and understanding the symptoms of high and low blood sugar should be essential for both diabetics and non diabetics person if you are visit home remedies channel first time then please take a moment to

subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then press the bell icon so you'll be informed first about our latest video upload it's completely free if you are frequently feeling hungry having frequent urination increase and thirst then you need to know why this has happened it is important to know the symptoms of high blood sugar
 in order to take preventive actions it isn't just the diabetics who should be worried about the spike in blood sugar level but every other person should be watchful about the food that they eat as this is one of the major reasons that give rise to the blood sugar the lower mild high level in blood sugar levels can mean a lot of health problems here listed some signs and symptoms of high blood sugar levels for your reference number one excess thirst when the sugar level and blood is high the kidneys work more to filter the extra sugar the sugar then gets removed in the form of urine
 along with other fluids from the body this makes one field dehydrated and Thursday number two constant hunger as the urination level increases you tend to lose calories also due to high sugar level and blood it prevents the sugar from the food to reach the cells this thus causes constant hunger if you feel hungry all the time then check your blood sugar levels number three frequent urination when the excess sugar level gets removed from the body in the form of urine this makes one feel dehydrated and thirsty feel dehydrated as it is one of the symptoms of high blood sugar levels number four weight loss when the frequency of urination level increases you tend to lose
 calories at the same time thus it leads to loss in weight a sudden drop in your body weight is the sign of many health problems which includes high blood sugar number five numbness when there is excess sugar level in the blood it damages the nerves this causes numbness and you tend to lose the sensation in the hands and feet number six blurred vision frequent urination which is caused by high blood sugar level in the body will also lead to dryness of the eyes and this causes blurring of the vision number seven fatigue when the blood sugar level is high the glucose in the body is not utilized properly the cells fail to get the needed energy this causes frequent fatigue number
eight pitching and skin infection dry and itchy skin is common when the blood sugar level is high in the body due to frequent urination it causes dehydration and the skin tissues also become dry causing itching of skin and infection these are eight important warning signs of high blood sugar if you like the information give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.
