Acne : symptoms, cause and cure - medicalloe

Acne symptoms , cause and cure

hey friends just want to take me to talked about symptoms , cause and cure of acne it's common skin disease and formerly it's known as acne vulgaris so you might hear called that it affects a lot of people and I thought it might help fold to explain that what causes it and I'll go over the treatments in a different lecture a couple of facts about acne is it's most common skin disorder in the u.s. affects 40 to 50 million Americans nearly 85% of all people will have acne .
Acne symptoms , cause and cure
Acne:symptoms, cause and cure

at some point in their lives more than 40% of adolescents have acne or acne scarring as teenagers and in 2004 the direct cost associated with the treatment of acne exceeded 2.2 billion dollars just a quick anatomy lesson here in this image you can see a hair follicle and a hair strand coming out of the skin which are labeled in red you can also see you sebaceous gland and sebum which are labeled in blue so this is a picture of normal healthy appearing skin but a normal hair follicle the purpose of the sebum that's produced by the sebaceous gland is to lubricate the skin in the hair and also helps trap in moisture it is a natural exfoliant of dead skin cells that occur on your skin normally and anywhere that you have hair you can find these sebaceous glands so essentially acne appears when the sebaceous gland and the hair follicle complex become obstructed we commonly call these clogged pores it's a bit of an oversimplification and there are essentially four things that can contribute to these clogged pores first thing is hormones notably testosterone and other androgen like compounds can contribute this often occurs in puberty when androgen levels rise in both males and in females yes women produce testosterone as well the testosterone and the similar hormones can cause the sebaceous glands to increase in number and this corresponds to an increase in facial hair during puberty you may have heard of someone using anabolic steroids getting bad acne and that's why the second cause our second potential cause is infection sometimes that bacteria that normally live on our skin can get inside those pores and clog it up they get trapped the bug that causes this is called pro peony bacterium hackney i once inside those clogged pores it's sort of like a petri dish you know for the bacteria to thrive in and so they just grow and grow and grow and that's why antibiotics can be helpful to treat acne the third aspect is just an inflammatory process this is usually associated with a bacterial infection that can cause that inflammation in those pores and around it and if I'm treated that will lead to the scarring and the changes in skin color the inflammation gets deep enough into your skin you can get generate those cysts or nodules that appear we call them whiteheads or blackheads normally and in medicine you might hear them called komi downes and the fourth cause is a sort of poor exfoliation and I mentioned before that sebaceous glands help exfoliate those dead skin cells help them rise up so you can wash them off when that process is slowed or stopped by clogged pores that can contribute to acne as well and clog pores and skin exfoliation can still occur even if you have really good facial hygiene and you're really diligent about washing your face you can still have that as one of the contributing problems to your acne so in conclusion acne is a disease of obstructed sebaceous glands more commonly known as clogged pores the things that cause or exacerbate this process include hormones and hormonal changes with testosterone and testosterone like hormones that we call androgens it can also be caused by bacterial infections inflammatory processes usually associate with the bacteria and just overall poor exfoliation of those sebaceous glands as well
